Boost your machining tool business in just 90 sec

Coatings as individual as your precision tools.

How our coating service works

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New markets in sight.
With HiPIMS and Diamond coatings.

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CemeCon Deutschland


Booth 1115, Istanbul, Turkei

CemeCon Deutschland


K-021, Taipei, Taiwan

CemeCon Japan


W1076, Tokyo, Japan

Japan has a long tradition in the production of high-end precision tools for the highest demands in machining. Our HiPIMS and diamond coatings are cutting edge technology and offer excellent opportunities for the high-end market in Japan.

CemeCon India


Bangkok, Thailand

Visit us at Metalex at the W.P.P booth. Manish Adwani, Managing Director from CemeCon- India and South East Asia, is looking forward to seeing you!
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CemeCon Deutschland


Ghent, Belgium

The future is aluminum

The future is aluminum

Electromobility, classic vehicle construction, aerospace, construction, mechanical engineering, electronics, air conditioning and solar technology, packaging and more – we encounter aluminum almost everywhere.
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AluCon® ensures success in cell phone production

AluCon® ensures success in cell phone production

The Electronics industry, Micromachining, Aerospace, Tool and mould making and Medical technology – the key to High-precision machining of the Micro components and finest contours are tools that are only a few millimetres or even tenths of a millimetre thin.
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Increasing productivity in tool and mold making

Increasing productivity in tool and mold making

The market situation in tool and die making is more dynamic than ever. Changing markets, ever smaller batch sizes, individual products, continuously increasing quality requirements and shorter development times – the challenges for tool and die makers are manifold.
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