HiPIMS coating system at Accusharp: Better performance and new cutting solutions

The machining sector is also growing steadily in India, and high-performance precision tools are in hot demand. Accusharp is one of the leading Indian tool manufacturers. In order to consolidate and expand its market position, the company from Pune relies on high manufacturing know-how and modern technologies. With the CC800® HiPIMS from CemeCon installed in November 2021, Accusharp can now significantly increase the performance of its tools and open up new markets.
Accusharp Cutting Tools Pvt. Ltd., based in Pune, India, develops and manufactures special cutting tools made of HSS and carbide for a wide range of industries, such as automotive, engineering, textile, energy and steel. The company is one of the largest manufacturers of cutting tools in the western part of India. Highest quality is the goal of Accusharp. Accordingly, the latest tool grinding machines and the appropriate optical measuring technology are in use. As a logical next step, Accusharp invested in a turnkey in-house coating plant. This enables Accusharp to map the entire process chain for the production of cutting tools in-house and emphasizes the company’s role as an innovation leader.
High-end technology for India and the world
In the past, Accusharp had its precision tools coated by various partners. Unfortunately, the tool life and productivity of the tools often varied here. This was not acceptable to the experts. So Accusharp decided to invest in its own coating line to take quality control into its own hands.

CemeCon has been present on the Indian subcontinent for almost 15 years. Our customers appreciate the high quality of the coating and the service that CemeCon India provides. From a 24/7 hotline service to its own spare parts warehouse, there is everything you wish for – above all, there is always a competent contact person available.
Manish Adwani, Managing Director of CemeCon India
The best prerequisites for Accusharp to deepen the partnership with a turnkey project. Therefore, Accusharp decided to invest in a CC800® HiPIMS for its own coating production.
As a result, the company is now one of the few tool manufacturers in India to offer this high-end technology. “Accusharp has long been one of the key drivers in the Indian machine tool industry. We are widely known as an Indian manufacturer with a global business culture. This makes us the first choice for high-performance cutting tools for both regional companies and multinationals. By investing in HiPIMS technology and introducing coatings based on HiPIMS coating materials, we aim to further strengthen our market position. Our customers expect us to provide them with world-class solutions. This is another step on that path,” says Ilyas Shaikh, Managing Director of Accusharp Cutting Tools Pvt. Ltd.
HiPIMS coatings increase performance significantly

FerroCon® delivers convincing solutions for all types of carbon steel. For stainless materials and hard machining, the new HiPIMS coating material SteelCon® is becoming the shooting star of the coating scene. “We have tested the HiPIMS coatings in various applications when machining different materials. The results are convincing: tool life has increased significantly in all cases – by 50 to 80 percent depending on the application. Especially with hard materials that are difficult to machine, HiPIMS technology gives us decisive advantages in terms of precision,” says Ilyas Shaikh enthusiastically.
And it was not only the technological advantages that convinced Accusharp; the installation of the turnkey HiPIMS coating line in November 2021 also ran in an exemplary manner despite the adverse circumstances worldwide. To support Accusharp to the best of their ability, CemeCon’s experts used the full range of options – via online diagnostics and video stream, by phone, and in person on site. With Manish Adwani as the most important link, the almost 15 years of experience in India and the concentrated competence from Würselen, Germany, were thus perfectly bundled in the project. “We are more than satisfied with the service at CemeCon. Manish Adwani always finds a way to support us as quickly as possible with all questions relating to coating technology. We feel we are in good hands there. Our sales and application team is looking forward to having even better market share with the addition of this new HiPIMS coating technology,” says Ayaz Shaikh, Director of Accusharp Cutting Tools Pvt. Ltd.
Sandip Patil and Vikash Yada, both production managers at Accusharp Cutting Tools Pvt. Ltd., agree: “We are very happy with the ease of operation of the coating unit and the training provided by Mr. Wadim Anselm and the CemeCon Team from Germany.”

Meeting future challenges as well
Ilyas Shaikh is convinced that HiPIMS technology will give Accusharp a future-proof head start and will open up new markets: “Accusharp has always been a leader when it comes to making machine tool solutions more economical and efficient. Thanks to HiPIMS coating technology, we not only improve our existing products and get consistently good and reproducible results on new and reground tools, but we can also develop innovative cutting solutions for future challenges. A good example is micro-machining, which is becoming increasingly important. With HiPIMS, we deliver matched premium coatings that are indispensable in the industry.”
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